- All kind of hotel ware, chaffing dishes, custom branded hotel ware for particular restaurant chains or hotel groups – we specialize in all – Having a direct control on production, packaging and logistics of hotel ware.
From the Antique Crafts – you get a reliable supply partner who is always taking care of quality during production phase. We also ensure that every product reaching you maintains high level of product quality and acute end user satisfaction.
We specialize in following products in hotel ware category:
- Chaffing Dishes
- Salad Servers
- Platters
- Salt and Pepper sets
- Charger Plates
- Stainless Steel serving sets
- Aluminum enamel bowls
- Custom products.
Feel free to share with us your any particular requirement for immediate product quotation or you may also check our following product collection of hotelware and chaffing dishes.
We are also introducing some new products herewith you can refer the product image with us for more details.
- # BCD-1
- # BCD-2
- # BCD-3
- # BCD-4
- # BCD-5
- # SCD-1
- # SCD-2
- # SCD-3
- # SCD-4
- # SCD-5
- # SCD-6
- # SCD-7
- # SCD-8
- # SCD-9
- # SCD-10
Hotelware Products
- # HW-1
- # HW-2
- # HW-3
- # HW-4
- # HW-5
- # HW-6
- # HW-7
- # HW-8
- # HW-9